Be Careful What You Joust For is now available!
It's already an amazon epic fantasy bestseller, and it already has over 50 reviews for a 4.5 star average. Here's what people are saying:
"An epic tale of fantasy where young men fight for their freedom, young women learn the capriciousness of the human heart, and nothing is ever as it seems."
-Meghan Lloyd from Lady With a Quill Book Blog
"Full of intrigue, drama, and suspense right from the very beginning. Masterfully told."
-Maranda Russell, Author of Not Afraid to be Real
"This book reminded me of all my favorite fantasy novels and video games, with a little bit of 'A Knight's Tale' and King Arthur medieval goodness thrown into the mix."
-Michelle on Goodreads
"You'll find yourself submersed in a wonderfully historical world with the feel of Game Of Thrones."
-Fictionalmaiden on Goodreads
"Wonderfully written, easy to follow, smooth flowing read with unpredictable surprises around every corner and twists that keep you on the edge of your seat. Detail that's so vivid you can almost see it."
-Kaye on Goodreads
Be Careful What You Joust For will be $4.99, but as a release day special, you can get your copy for only 99 cents!
And check out how sexy this #1 Best Seller Tag looks: